IXAS Conference Selection

Procedure for Selecting the Location of International XAFS Conferences

The International Conference on X-Ray Absorption Fine Structure (XAFS Conference) is held every three years under the aegis of the International X-ray Absorption Society (IXAS). The IXAS Executive Committee (IXAS-EC) selects the conference site during the preceding conference by a majority of its voting members after all proposals have been reviewed.

Ideally, the location of the conference will rotate between geographical regions with active XAFS communities and with consideration to previous conference locations. While past conferences have often been at a location near a synchrotron light source, this is not required.

The IXAS Chair is responsible for circulating a call for Proposals for hosting the XAFS Conference (Conference Proposal) to all registered IXAS members and, if possible, to all attendants of the last conference. The call includes the bylaws and provides a timeline.

Candidate Conference Chairs are requested to send by email a proposal to the Chair. Presentations to the Executive Committee may be made by video conference. Conference Organizers will be accountable for the conference planning, accordingly with close cooperation with the IXAS-EC. The IXAS-EC is expected to extend full support to Conference Organizers in organizing scientific programs.

Timeline for the 2028 XAFS Conference

Proposals to host the 2028 International XAFS Conference are now solicited and accepted. Proposal guidelines are given below, but if you have questions, please contact the IXAS Chair.

Proposal Deadline:  June 1, 2025

Proposal Presentations (video conference):  June 1 to July 1, 2025

Announcement of 2028:  During the 2025 XAFS Conference in Chicago

Send your proposal by email to the IXAS Chair: Asakura Kiyotaka ( kytkaskr@fc.ritsumei.ac.jp )

Proposal Guidelines

The proposal submitted for the conference can be made by email to the Chair by email and should include the following information

1. Description of Proposed Conference Venue

The conference proposal should include a description of the details about the venue for the conference (based on the 600 participants, the average number of recently held conferences), including:

  • One conference room for plenary sessions, accommodating 600 or more attendees.
  • Additional space for at least 200 posters, poster presenters, and sufficient room for attendees to view and discuss posters.
  • Additional conference rooms for parallel sessions which can accommodate at least 200 attendees each. Close proximity of rooms is to be secured for parallel sessions.
  • Projection and PA systems appropriate for a scientific conference in all conference session rooms.
  • One or more small meeting rooms for IXAS-EC, IUCr Commission on XAFS, and related executive meetings, which accommodates at least 30 attendees.
  • The main conference rooms are preferred to be climate-controlled.
  • Compliance with local regulations for disability access.

2. Description of Organization

The conference proposal should name expected members of the conference organization including Chair(s). The conference organizers should form appropriate committees with different functions such as Local Committee, Program Committee, and International Advisory Committee, and the proposal should name some of the expected members of these committees. Please include:

  • CV and profile of the conference chair(s)
  • Letter(s) of commitment for host institution(s) and any other supporting institutions.
  • Proposed List of Local Committee members fully committed to the organization of the conference.
  • Proposed List of Program Committee members representing all relevant fields and topics.
  • Proposed list of Fundraising Committee.
  • Proposed List of International Advisory Committee formed by the IXAS-EC members and other distinguished scientists selected by Conference Organizers taking into account regional and scientific balance.
  • Plan for circulating conference information to XAFS communities (Web site etc.).

3. Scope and Proposed Scientific Program

The conference proposal should describe the scope of the scientific program for the conference, including

  • Expected number of parallel sessions.
  • Fields or special topics to be highlighted
  • Plans for any satellite meetings (scope, locations, and expected number of attendants).
  • List of supporting organizations (institutes and academic societies).
  • Expected plans for an exhibition.
  • Expected tours of nearby scientific facilities.

4. Description of Infrastructure and Logistical Plan

The conference proposal should provide a list of sufficient accommodations close to the conference venue, with a range of prices and an approximate number of rooms available. Transportation options between the conference venue and accommodation sites, restaurants, regional attraction sites, social events sites, etc should also be given, as well as a description of transportation between airports or train stations and conference venue.

5. Preliminary Budget Draft

Please include projections of the total cost, income breakdown, supports from institutes and other organizations, and start-up plan. Expected ranges for registration fees should be given. Also provide any expected details about support for young scientists, scientists from developing countries, and so forth.

6. Plans for Publication

Conference Organizers should circulate the full conference program to all registered attendees prior to the conference. Conference Organizers are responsible for publishing Conference Proceedings with guidance and assistance from the IXAS. It is recommended that the proceedings are published in Radiation Physics and Chemistry as first choice or J Synchrotron Radiation as second choice